Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Sambe Pecel Lele
Sambe Pecel Lele.
You can have Sambe Pecel Lele using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Sambe Pecel Lele
- You need 20 biji of rawit setan.
- You need 5 biji of cabe merah keriting.
- You need 6 siung of bawang merah.
- You need 2 buah of tomat sedang.
- You need 1 genggam of kacang tanah.
- Prepare 1 bgks of terasi.
- Prepare secukupnya of Garam.
- It's secukupnya of Kaldu bubuk.
- Prepare secukupnya of Minyak goreng.
Sambe Pecel Lele instructions
- Siapkan bahan.
- Goreng kacang, lalu goreng semua bahan cabe.
- Giling kacang lalu uleg kasar cabe yg sudah diberi garam.
- Kucuri dg jeruk nipis lalu beri kaldu bubuk tes rasa. Sambel pecel lele/ayam siap disajikan.
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